Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Steel Magnolias of The Eastside

Centennial “Star” Magnolia tree

Steel Magnolias Bloom in Ohio

Centennial Star Magnolia blooms their star inspired flowers, before its leaves.

Making its arrival in Ohio in late winter/early spring.

The star shaped flowers have 12 to 18! petals.It was introduced in 1966 to celebrate the the centennial anniversary of the Arnold Arboretum in Boston, MA. Where hybridization happened.

It's a cross between Magnolia stellata and Magnolia kobus.

These flowers are popular in floral arrangements.

The Star Magnolia greatly helps the pollinator posse. As well as good protection for birds to nest

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Thyme: A Fairy Habitat

A fun holiday spin on thyme.

There is no better herb that you could purchase for culinary, medicinal or to ward off unwanted pests.

Thyme is a perennial herb that has been used since ancient Egyptian times.

Since it's beginning this herb has had many uses. Including, as a cure for poison, a pain reliever a sign of courage and farewell and a home for fairies.

I'm not sure about fairies, but it is wonderful for keeping pests away from your beloved spring bulbs!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Get in The Garden

Planting early spring’s cool crops.

This is going to a perfect spring for growing crops that thrive under 75 degrees fahrenheit.

It'll be a great weekend to set some time and get in the garden..

A garden is practical. It’s about lifting some burden off your grocery bills. Planting will cost a few dollars. Saving hundreds!

Cool crops grow quickly. Nature does most of the work. Excellent project for young kids. A radish sprouts rapidly.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Butterfly Beautiful

Butterfly fun facts.

Butterflies have superior vision.

Butterflies are too cold to move past 55 degrees fahrenheit.

They only have tongues, no mouths.

However, I believe. If butterflies could talk. I bet they'd say "return my hour"

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Sunshine Days

The power of sunshine.

A Sunny Day

After a long winter a blessing in Ohio.

Hearing the chirping of the birds.

The smell of spring is in the air.

Take today to enjoy this early treat of warm weather.

And do whatever makes you smile!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Seeing is Bee-ing

Bee’s vision.

As a Bee Does

We cannot possibly see a flower the way a bee does.

The crocus is a symbol of spring and new beginnings.

Although we cannot see these flowers as a bee does. We can understand the attraction.

Nature, or a creator. They know that each spring the bees need certain color blooms to get the season started.

Somehow these colors always come.

Somehow these flowers always come.

Somehow spring always comes.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

It’ Planting Time

Planting early spring’s cool crops.

Green Springing

Green is sprinkling around Ohio.

My instincts are telling me an early spring.

Don't rush and plant those seeds just yet+

But in the next few weeks. You'll want to begin your cool crops outdoors. They can handle some cold days!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Garden For You

Garden for the soul.

What can growing a garden do for the soul?

There's a gift to nature and self.

Many of us get stuck in life.

Remember there's always a way back.

Spring is finally here.

There's a chill today, but warm teasing spring days to follow.

Find the beautiful and fantastic of it all!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Pandas That Buzz

Bees in Ohio.

Those Flying Pandas

There are 45 bumblebees native to North America.

In Ohio we have 12 of those very humble bumbles.

Call them Teddy bears or pandas. The bumblebee is a happy sight after a long winter!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

The Original Peeps

The marshmallow flower.

This is a "Marshmallow" plant.

A feminine creation of nature.

It follows the rules of the water element.

Moon, Venus, Libra, Cancer.

Althea, Aphrodite, Venus.

Along with the multiple natural medicinal properties of the plant.

Marshmallow has long been used as an ingredient in fertility and love potions!

But, even cooler they were the ingredient of marshmallow candy, until replaced by gelatin!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Getting to The Roots

The benefits of growing root vegetables.

I'm a practical gardener. Meaning I am realistic about space and garden costs.

Radishes, beets and turnips are a great way to get the most out of the cool crop season.

Beets and turnips are edible from root to leaves. Making a great addition to salads.

Like my lettuce and spinach. I pick turnip and beet leaves. By selecting leaves. The lettuce or root crop regrows new leaves, without hindering the plants.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Spinach Super-Powerful

Spinach is a superfood.

What makes spinach so good for us?

Spinach is rich in iron, Vitamins C&E.

Full of potassium and magnesium.

Growing this fresh and eating will improve your immune system and tummy troubles.

Might even have anticancer properties.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Remember to Pea

Planting peas in spring.

Starting Our Spring Gardens

It's time to purchase and plant our cool crop seeds.

The very 1st thing that I plant are my peas.

My choices are "sugar snap" and "snow" peas. I don't grow "shell" peas, but they are equally delicious.

Peas must have something to grow up. If you decide to repurpose an item as their structure. Make sure you aid the pea vine by securing it to the structure, with garden twine.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

The Spring Happy Blues

Blue flowers in your garden.

Many early spring blooms are blue. The bluebell is a good choice.

Hyacinth and Salvia are great spring pollinator treats.

Then make sure to have plenty of blue vining flowers to last until fall.

However, blue flowers aren't as easy or common as you might assume. You'll need to make special spots for the blue blooms in your garden.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

St Leafy Green Day

Celebrating leafy greens.

Lettuce Lovers

My favorite lettuces to grow are Black Seeded Simpson and Buttercrunch.

We have already learned that when you grow lettuce in your garden. You companion the produce with sweet alyssum.

We need the parasitic wasp to eliminate any aphids ruining your lettuce crops.

The second crop to plant with your lettuce are herbs.

Parsley is not a good early spring companion for lettuce. The herb promotes early bolting of your lettuce.

Dill is my favorite herb to pair with my cool crops. The smell keeps the bunnies away!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On;

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

The Pretty Pink Tree

Learning about the Saucer magnolia.

Is actually called a Saucer Magnolia tree.

This bloom comes from two magnolia trees. Yulan magnolia and Lily magnolia. Both originate from China.

By 19th century French horticulturalist Étienne Soulange-Bodin.

The Saucer magnolia debuted to the public in 1826.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

The Birth Of Daffodils

The first daffodil flower according to the Christian religion.

Daffodils are a happy flower, after a long winter.

A symbol of rebirth and new starts.

It was said that the first daffodil bloomed during the Last Supper. To comfort Christ after being betrayed by Judas.

This flower is significant to Christian during celebration of Easter.

Until Tomorrow Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Crocus and The Nymph

The myth behind the crocus flower.

According to Greek mythology. Crocus and his girlfriend Smilax were having serious relationship issues.

Annoyed by the toxic drama.

The Gods made him a flower and her bindweed.

I suppose the moral of that story is don’t tick off the Gods!

Until Tomorrow Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

The Red and The Hummingbird

Hummingbirds love red flowers.

Compared to birds. Humans are colorblind.

Hummingbirds birds have the same 3 color photoreceptors as we do. They also have a 4th.

Hummingbirds can see ultraviolet light!

Hummingbirds love red and pink flowers. A garden full of those colors will bring them to your blooms.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

A Goldfinch For Every Season

Goldfinches love flowers.

Goldfinches love a good sunflower seed. Strictly vegetarian! BUT, they do eat and digest animal matter, if ingested. So they are omnivore!

For every season in Ohio we share with these birds.

Plant the above and the following to fill those goldfinch bellies:




Cup Plant



Joe Pye Weed



Bee Balm






Four O'clock

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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