Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Steel Magnolias of The Eastside

Centennial “Star” Magnolia tree

Steel Magnolias Bloom in Ohio

Centennial Star Magnolia blooms their star inspired flowers, before its leaves.

Making its arrival in Ohio in late winter/early spring.

The star shaped flowers have 12 to 18! petals.It was introduced in 1966 to celebrate the the centennial anniversary of the Arnold Arboretum in Boston, MA. Where hybridization happened.

It's a cross between Magnolia stellata and Magnolia kobus.

These flowers are popular in floral arrangements.

The Star Magnolia greatly helps the pollinator posse. As well as good protection for birds to nest

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

The Spring Happy Blues

Blue flowers in your garden.

Many early spring blooms are blue. The bluebell is a good choice.

Hyacinth and Salvia are great spring pollinator treats.

Then make sure to have plenty of blue vining flowers to last until fall.

However, blue flowers aren't as easy or common as you might assume. You'll need to make special spots for the blue blooms in your garden.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

The Pretty Pink Tree

Learning about the Saucer magnolia.

Is actually called a Saucer Magnolia tree.

This bloom comes from two magnolia trees. Yulan magnolia and Lily magnolia. Both originate from China.

By 19th century French horticulturalist Étienne Soulange-Bodin.

The Saucer magnolia debuted to the public in 1826.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

The Birth Of Daffodils

The first daffodil flower according to the Christian religion.

Daffodils are a happy flower, after a long winter.

A symbol of rebirth and new starts.

It was said that the first daffodil bloomed during the Last Supper. To comfort Christ after being betrayed by Judas.

This flower is significant to Christian during celebration of Easter.

Until Tomorrow Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Crocus and The Nymph

The myth behind the crocus flower.

According to Greek mythology. Crocus and his girlfriend Smilax were having serious relationship issues.

Annoyed by the toxic drama.

The Gods made him a flower and her bindweed.

I suppose the moral of that story is don’t tick off the Gods!

Until Tomorrow Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Playing by The Rules

The meaning of hyacinth.

Hyacinth are for those who play the game of life. Fair and square.

Like the flower fights to be a 1st bloom in Spring. You fight to win everyday.

Someone who plants hyacinths is encouraging within their community!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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