Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Tough Odds

Monarch butterfly reproduction.

Did you know that only about 5% of Monarchs successfully hatch and survive in nature?

You can boost those odds by 90% if you monitor their nurseries in your gardens. Foster them.

As for indoor breeding. I still don't support the idea. Keep a healthy garden and stay natural

Monarch Cycle:

Eggs (4-7days)

Caterpillar (2 weeks)

Chrysalis (8-14 days)

Monarch (Fall migrators over 8 months)

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

The Queen’s Duties

The life of a queen bumblebee.

There's a great deal to understanding bumblebees.

The Queen is the only bee to survive through Winter. Hibernating alone.

Male bumblebees have no stinger. Only the females.

Before the males die in Fall. The Queen mates and stores it in her abdomen until Spring.

Then she'll make new baby bumblebees in Spring.

Dies off when she has a successor. Another crowned Queen. The cycle repeats.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Miss Hummingbird

Mating of hummingbirds.

Sometimes it’s hard to be a female.

Even if you are a bird.

Hummingbird males are cads of nature.

Mating and abandoning the female for the next hummingbird on the block.

The females builds the nest, monitors incubation and feeding of her young.

This mating process might appear cruel, but it’s to ensure the hummingbird population.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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