Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Spilling Lettuce Secrets

Growing garden lettuce in Ohio.

There isn’t anything better than fresh garden lettuce.

A member of the cool crop season. Lettuce is less tolerant of cooler temps and can withstand up to 80F. In my observation of the plants.

I always plant by mid-April. Selecting lettuce tape your 1st year is suggested. All you must do is follow the directions. The lettuce is already spaced out for you in the tape.

You pair with sweet alyssum. I prefer the purple or white. The yellow sweet alyssum had an unappealing scent in comparison to the sweet given by the others.

Buttercrunch and Black Seeded Simpson are fantastic green leafy choices for Ohio gardens.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Garden Companions

Parasitic wasps and companion planting.

Think the “rule of three”.

Produce, flower and herb.

Each group, makes a companionship in the garden.

In relationships, sometimes we need a good friend.

Enter the beneficial bugs and pollinators.

Sweet alyssum, leafy greens and dill are a great trio of garden pals. When the aphids start causing trouble. Their dear friend, the parasitic wasp comes to the rescue. Not chemicals!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

A Garden Of Tranquility

Embracing the peace of nature

Let the sun shine brightly on your garden.

If it looks like there is a ray of sunlight always grab it.

I'm sure it's an optical illusion. My heart tells me, it's something more.

We could all listen to the heart a bit more.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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