Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Butterfly Beautiful

Butterfly fun facts.

Butterflies have superior vision.

Butterflies are too cold to move past 55 degrees fahrenheit.

They only have tongues, no mouths.

However, I believe. If butterflies could talk. I bet they'd say "return my hour"

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Sunshine Days

The power of sunshine.

A Sunny Day

After a long winter a blessing in Ohio.

Hearing the chirping of the birds.

The smell of spring is in the air.

Take today to enjoy this early treat of warm weather.

And do whatever makes you smile!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Pandas That Buzz

Bees in Ohio.

Those Flying Pandas

There are 45 bumblebees native to North America.

In Ohio we have 12 of those very humble bumbles.

Call them Teddy bears or pandas. The bumblebee is a happy sight after a long winter!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

The Fuzz in The Buzz

A bee is a hairy creature.

I Thought Waxing My Lip Was Hairy!

Bumblebees are hairy creatures.

If you looked at them under a microscope. You'd see tons of hairs that fork at the top.

Long and short tongues.

Meaning bumble bees as a group can pollinate in a variety of ways. Many other pollinators are not capable.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

My Kind Of Garden

How a bee sees a garden.

A Rainbow Shooting From The Ground

That's my kind of garden!

Poems, paintings and music have been written about the flower garden.

Imagine being a bee in this garden. Did you know that petals change color to a bee?

It's called "iridescence", within the "UV Spectrum".

Bees can see petals just turns colors. Humans cannot!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Parasitic Wasp Magic

Parasitic wasps are beneficial against aphids.

No romance blossoms more abundantly. Sweet Alyssum and Leafy Spring Greens!!! The magic is the parasitic wasp!

Sweet Alyssum flowers are irresistible to tiny parasitic wasps.

These insects use the aphids as a nursery for their baby wasps. Also baby wasps love to feed on aphids.

The wasp requires the body cavity of the aphids to survive.

No chemicals. No aphids. No garden problems. Thanks to our helpful wasp!!!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

The Buzz of Pollination

Bumblebee pollination.

Bumblebees are able to do something marvelous.

They contract muscle in flight. This produces strong vibrations.

Directed to their antler, by using their legs and mouth parts.

Producing a buzz worthy spread of pollen, via their antlers.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Seeing in UV

Bees see in ultraviolet light..

Do You See What Bees See?

Nope, we don't see ultraviolet, but a bee can!

Humans base their color combo on red, blue and green.

Bees base their colors on ultraviolet light, blue and green.

Bees cannot see the color red!

They do see reddish wavelengths. Like orange and yellow!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Bee Sight

Bee’s vision.

Did you know a bee sees colors far better than humans?

They have the best vision in all of nature's creatures.

Considering they're responsible for our survival as a planet. It's logical they'd be the best!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Great Expectations

Researching your garden.

What we picture in our minds and what actually grows, are going to look very different.

Start seeing those gardens in your imagination.

Research 3 things you want to grow. As simple as Wikipedia.

Can it grow in your region? If yes, add it to your seed/seedling list.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Seeds Bloom Best

The benefits of starting by seeds.

To get a garden like mine. Everything possible is planted by seed.

The idea of seeds can be daunting. Don’t worry

We'll work it out together.

Start planning flowers/plants/veggie and herbs that you'd like to grow.

Together we will figure out the best option for your garden. Not everything is possible from seeds.

I promise you'll have a good time learning about your garden!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Garden Thyming

The ups and downs of gardening

A garden never grows as you plan.

You will fail as much as you succeed.

Nothing will seem like it is growing. A storm can destroy your Sunflower Patch. Vine borers will eat your pumpkin vines. The deer or other creature always finds your garden.

On the other side.

You're going to have big wins in the garden. Catch that beautiful pollinator sipping nectar from blooms you grew from seeds. Eat a salad you grew!

Life is filled with ups and downs!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

A Monarch’s Winter

Where the Monarch migrates in winter.

Did you ever wonder when we discovered where the Monarchs settle in Mexico for winter?

Were you ever curious who brought this haven for the Monarch to the world?

Catalina Trail.

She's the founder of Monarch roosting sites.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Sage Advice

The meaning and history of sage.

Early Romans held the plant as sacred.

It was a representation of wisdom and excellent memory.

Sage prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine which the brain needs to store memory!

So, the folklore tied to sage has some wisdom.

My Sage advice is this herb lives up to it's hype and delicious in stuffing!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Butterfly Colors

Butterfly symbolism.

A black and blue butterfly can mean many things...




New Beginnings

Spiritual Reminders

Then, I think my position on nature is clear. A butterfly means whatever it means to you. Because, there's nobody who can tell another how they should interpret nature!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Celebrating Soul

Reflection through nature.

Today is a day to celebrate the soul.

Who you are.

Where you’ve been.

Where you’re going.

Who you will be thankful to...when you get there!

Feed your soul with lots of extra love today.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Butterfly Seeks Zinnia

Butterflies and zinnias.

Did you know that butterflies adore the Zinnias?

What does a butterfly look for in a Zinnia?

The bright yellow center of the tallest flowers.

Zinnias are the perfect flower for butterflies to munch.

Do you notice how clear the ring of nectar?

Butterflies like easy access to the flower's nectar.

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

Scarlett Flame’s

Red zinnia meaning.

What does a red zinnia mean?

Stead beating of a heart.

Steadfastness which is the quality of being unwavering.

"No side wins without steadfastness in the face of adversity."

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

A Touch Of Green

Green flower meaning.

What do green flowers symbolize?

Perfect harmony with Nature.

Strong health!

Their message is optimism and renewal!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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Jacqueline Sicherman Jacqueline Sicherman

What’s in A Name?

How the zinnia got it’s name.

Where does the Zinnia get its name?

Johann Gottfried Zinn. He was a botany professor from Germany.

He "discovered" them in the Americas and took back to Europe in the 18th century.

There's more to the name, but it gets a little "zinny"!

Mr. Zinn also studied the eye. The zonule of Zinn.

Let's just call them zinnias!!!

Until Tomorrow! Smile On!

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